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Subject of this Thread: "Is Omegatrend a Con ????????"

Table of Contents

Is Omegatrend a Con ????????, Tod, 21:44:33, 12/20/102
Omegatrend is a SCAM, Lisa, 01:43:24, 12/17/107
Hello, Devill Gail, 18:37:49, 6/13/107
The Deception of Omegatrend, deception by some people, Jason Garland, 06:01:53, 1/16/107
matthew, 19:53:39, 6/28/106
Omegatrend is a SCAM!, omegatrend, Omegatrend gone bust!, matthew, 05:49:30, 8/04/106
Jenny, 07:22:38, 8/01/106
In response to your email, reply to Sharon, matthew, 06:02:15, 8/04/106
Omegatrend's trend is fast fading, attention:Rodha, matthew, 06:07:27, 8/04/106
Rodha, 22:53:40, 7/11/106
Sharon, 17:52:13, 7/07/106
matthew, 19:51:28, 6/28/106
Agel - The Exploding Giant, Peter Conway, 13:36:16, 5/10/106
Tod, as far as i have seen,... I ha..., mlm, david logan, 08:51:03, 5/05/106
Reply Fast//, ANDREW KOFFI, 15:18:42, 2/27/106
melinder, 09:58:56, 12/20/105
Omegatrend, Thank you.., Jena Watts, 01:02:18, 4/12/106
AnWar ShAhiruDDiN, 06:25:32, 9/19/105
How to choose a MLM company, Chris Shen, 00:09:35, 7/14/105
MLM's not a Con, Ipod of the wellness industry, Siti Hawa, 01:54:54, 2/04/108
Network distribution, David Pollak, 23:25:43, 2/24/105
Errol Cherry, 07:04:44, 1/01/105
We're launching!, Tine from Norway, 08:19:27, 12/15/104
neways, We're launching!, Tine from Norway, 08:20:06, 12/15/104
george, 06:42:48, 11/18/104
OT, OK, The Conn, Burnt, 16:30:52, 12/27/106
OT, How to choose a MLM company, Chris Shen, 00:04:37, 7/14/105
El Azreen, 12:42:32, 7/03/105
Kath, 22:27:24, 11/02/104
ot, It cahnged MY life!, Tine from Norway, 08:22:09, 12/15/104
kyrie, 04:32:37, 6/11/104
OT , about mark, watdaheck, 04:48:43, 6/11/104
Mark, 08:03:43, 3/03/104
0megatrend, Robyn, 23:18:32, 12/27/103
Omegatrend, who to blame?, indi, 12:39:20, 4/08/104
Omegatrend, Omegatrend is a scam, Tony, 18:26:41, 8/10/107
OT, Mr T, 17:34:36, 10/13/105
Omegatrend, OT, putra, 04:56:01, 4/12/106
We're launching!, Send me information, Alan Rothman, 15:41:38, 12/07/105
Tine, 08:18:00, 12/15/104
Omegatrebd...business of making dre..., Forget the hypes, get the facts, ASMI, OT is "small fry" compare..., You have no idea, Bankrupt, Sold, and Buried (hopeful..., Omegatrend is the greatest!, 07:43:27, 8/01/106
sharon, 18:00:29, 7/07/106
Question, Jay, 08:00:10, 6/24/106
It's official ... OMEGATREND WENT B..., Hakimee, 00:54:15, 5/09/106
AskMe, 21:49:56, 1/16/106
mohd abdullah, 09:42:41, 1/15/105
We're launching!, Tine from Norway, 08:25:47, 12/15/104
ASMI, 21:47:16, 12/13/104
ida yuzairina, 00:54:18, 6/07/104
Dzulhafiz Muhamad, 11:09:02, 5/20/104
Robin, 10:03:08, 3/11/104
Reply to Tod, apology, jan, 07:02:43, 9/21/103
jan, 06:49:05, 9/21/103
Paul , 16:14:24, 5/14/103
Make you decision after see the bus..., Lia, 17:42:34, 5/05/103
OmegaTrend, What company is coming?, Russ, 20:11:03, 6/21/105
ot, carla, 23:29:20, 6/07/104
Ethics, jan, 07:05:28, 9/21/103
interested, omegatrend, Eggman, 04:48:46, 6/28/104
Stephen Reeves, 22:52:43, 6/29/103
what a waste of time, i am agree with you!!!!1, Proof in the pudding !!!, OT, OT, putra, 04:53:15, 4/12/106
omegatrend, "Omegatrend the fantastic Busi..., DREAM STATES, truly an original idea, Siti Hawa , 02:08:30, 2/04/108
julia masterton, 16:57:00, 1/12/105
this is where people grow AND get m..., Omegatrend bankrupt with $4 m debt!, Omegatrend is not a credible busine..., read the letter, bob, 00:57:34, 8/05/106
matthew, 19:59:14, 6/28/106
Topeqa, 01:35:42, 5/09/106
OT and other MLM's, My thoughts on OmegaTrend, Omegatrend & MLM in general., scotty, 20:09:18, 2/23/105
We're launching!, Profit Centre Discussion Forum, Gert Bjerring, 20:23:48, 5/01/106
Tine from Norway, 08:29:04, 12/15/104
result of omegatrend, Agree with this?, Omegatrend Training, Errol Cherry, 06:58:22, 1/01/105
Other options, Mickyj, 23:06:02, 10/14/104
i agree, jolin, 23:49:38, 10/01/104
My Analysis, Omegatrend is another "failed&..., mlm cyclone, lifescruizy, 05:23:34, 5/23/106
Krazyfrog, 01:32:39, 5/09/106
The Subject, MLM, My Comment, OmegatrendNZ, Help please, Why Omegatrend? Why Not!, Ridha, 15:47:52, 3/17/106
Jess, 21:22:38, 1/15/106
Regan, 07:57:05, 5/20/105
Omegafan, 10:12:17, 5/16/105
Darrin, 01:08:50, 3/28/105
Rusty, 22:35:35, 11/18/104
Jerry, 15:03:48, 9/07/104
Jerry, 14:49:00, 9/07/104
Kim, 10:10:24, 8/14/104
Kim, 23:23:30, 8/06/104
Timbo, 12:19:08, 7/09/104
topeq, 14:47:19, 7/04/104
Timon Weller, 04:43:45, 6/20/104
Rob, 02:48:10, 5/17/104
Paul, 23:19:03, 9/25/103
Theo, 23:54:00, 5/11/103
Lia, 17:39:17, 5/05/103
ellen, 22:30:00, 5/04/103
Theo, 16:15:14, 12/22/102


Subject: Is Omegatrend a Con ????????
Name: Tod
Time/Date: 21:44:33 12/20/102

I have a friend in an MLM called OMEGATREND
he has been at me tojoin but I am suspious.
Has any one herd anything GOOD or Bad ?????

Subject: Omegatrend is a SCAM
Name: Lisa
Time/Date: 01:43:24 12/17/107


Subject: Hello
Name: Devill Gail
Time/Date: 18:37:49 6/13/107


Subject: The Deception of Omegatrend
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 19:53:39 6/28/106

For more information regarding the dangers of Omegatrend as a business, please visit:


This webpage was written by someone who was in Omegatrend for 4 years, so their experience is something worth pondering.

Subject: deception by some people
Name: Jason Garland
Time/Date: 06:01:53 1/16/107

I'm sorry you a bad time while in Omegatrend if you found problems you should have went to the head office about them. the reason Loren left Amway was because they were being very deceptive and breaking the law, as a religious person Loren wouldn't put up with it (the same way you didn't put up with what you considered unfair actions by the people), so he left his money and started from scratch. Omegatrend has nothing to do with Amway.
Omegatrend does not encourage you to dump friends because they don't get involved, or leave the business, if people are saying this then they are not following the ground rules for good business and it's still up to you wether you do it or not, I have always been told, both in person and on tapes/cds, to stay in touch with those who say no and those who leave the business.

Subject: Omegatrend is a SCAM!
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 19:51:28 6/28/106

The Deceit of Omegatrend, and is Omegatrend just another Amway company like Network21? Have we all been lied to?

Dear Reader,

This letter was written with the objective to allow the reader and the person who is looking to join Omegatrend, to have more facts and more of the data needed to come to a fully informed decision whether to join Omegatrend or not. It reveals the reasons why I quit Omegatrend, and the deceptive and fraudulent methods that were used on me to get me to join.

The objective of this letter is not to tell anyone not to join Omegatrend, that of course will be your personal choice. However, I feel you deserve and need to hear the whole and full story and receive all the data needed before you make an informed decision.

As you consider due-diligence at the outset before joining, consider the following experiences from an ex-member of Omegatrend, and the reasons why I left and the reasons why in hindsight I would never have joined in the first place if I had have had all the data given to me.

In my opinion, a person should have all the information and data revealed to them at the outset, before they are asked to join Omegatrend. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, as many Omegatrend members won't tell you the whole story or the whole truth before you join. They are happy to take your membership money without telling you the whole truth at the start.

Omegatrend was started by Loren And Sandra Watts who were Diamond members of Amway, who apparently left Amway to start Omegatrend. Yet what if they never left Amway at all, and Omegatrend belongs to Amway?

As you join Omegatrend, they won't tell you that the founders came from Amway with an Amway mind-set. Loren Watts is also very much influenced by Horrie Watts, his dad, who is a retired Seventh-day Adventist Pastor who is still active in the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination. Loren Watts was also a Seventh-Day Adventist.

There are also many people who claim that Loren and Sandra Watts are in fact still active Amway members, and that Omegatrend is just another Network 21, which was started by Amway leaders who tries to keep people in the dark that it's Amway.

Some have suggested and hinted that Omegatrend is exactly like Network 21, and that they even went as far as to fake a court case against each other to convince people that Amway and Omegatrend are not connected. Seeing Loren and Sandra are Diamond members earning a fortune in Amway, why would they give away all that weekly fortune? The answer could be because Omegatrend was started by Amway as another offshoot like Network 21 and Quixtar, and is nothing more than a Amway scam which they have deceived the public to believing is not Amway!

Can you imagine how ingenious and cunning it would be for a couple of Amway Presidential members to boost their business immensely by claiming they have left Amway, and that they are starting a new business to support the unsatisfied Amway members. If that is true, then they have pulled off a massive deception.

I met a person from Omegatrend for lunch and he gave me a business presentation. During the presentation he promised me that if I joined, he would weekly give a business presentation for my friends and people I share Omegatrend with. That ended up being a big lie just to get me to join as I never saw him again once I gave my money to join. He also told me that all the products that are sold are of the highest quality, second to none, and that also proved to be a deceptive comment, as most of the products are of low quality and simply rubbish! I was promised too many things to mention, all of which came to nought and were never fulfilled.

They will claim that they only get the top quality companies to make their products, yet after due-diligence, I found that to be very deceptive, as I located the top companies in that particular field of products, and found that they are not producing Omegatrend products.

Then they will tell you how much you can trust Omegatrend due to their quality alliances with companies such as ING, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, ANZ etc. Yet that's not true at all, as they don't deal direct with those companies, and these banks have no idea who Omegatrend is. They only deal with a company called Genesis which is nothing more than a mortgage broker who gets commissions from these banks. The brokers who work for Genesis are nothing more than Salesman, who are probably more broke than you and I, hence, the name broker.

Omegatrend members will deceive you, trick you, give you limited, false and incomplete information. They will twist words around to make it sound like something which it isn't. They will tell you anything to get you to join.

When I joined I was promised the world and that all my dreams will come true. And I was told by a few members that they will personally find people to place in my business. Yet once I joined, that changed, and they then claimed I have to find all people for myself. Yet they never told me this before I joined, and told me something differently.

I then began attending the weekly meetings which they tell you is imperative to do or they won't help you build your business. At the meetings, they play music and it reminded me of a Church service. I don't mind a Church service, yet the "god" they focus on is Omegatrend.

After four years in Omegatrend, I realised that Omegatrend is uplifted to become the people's god and idol. They weekly come to worship Omegatrend and during the presentations, every single time I was there, I found the presenter and the people who give testimonies to make deceptive comments.

The business presenter was making comments that were not accurate at all. And the people giving testimonies are encouraged to exaggerate and make up stories to get new people to join.

They kept saying that after three months you will make $500 per week, and that most people do that. However, I learned that this was a big lie, that most people don't reach that level at all after three months. In fact, most people who join Omegatrend, leave around three-six months. And all the people who had made the $500 per week level, never did so in three months, but much longer, usually years.

Only one person out of thousands in all the years Omegatrend have been operating has made the $500 per week level between zero-three months. yet during the presentations, they claim that its the norm. The reason they do this is because there are many people in the audience that are there to see if they want to join. So they are lied to and deceived and given exaggerated figures and data.

When I first joined I was ignorant and trusted what I was told. However, after some time and seeing more and more people having their lives destroyed, and promises not being fulfilled, I deeply began questioning and challenging everything I heard for accuracy. So after four years of checking what I was told and waiting for their promises to be fulfilled, I concluded it's one big scam, filled with empty promises and deceptive methods and information.

And every business that is based on deceit and exaggerated data, will eventually collapse, and bring down everyone in it. See below as this indeed seems to happening now due to Omegatrend being in insolvency as of May 2006.

It has hurt my heart to see so many families and people who's lives have been hurt deeply by Omegatrend. There has even been many divorces caused and friendships broken. There is a huge trail of destruction left behind anyone who is an active member in Omegatrend. It's impossible to have progress in Omegatrend, without many victims in the process.

During the four years I was with Omegatrend, I lost some friends, and ended up with dreams that were shattered. It has broken my heart and I am emotionally and mentally scared by Omegatrend, and I now suffer depression. I have been Spiritually, mentally and emotionally damaged by Omegatrend.

And one thing that hurt was the fact that the Omegatrend members are nice to you and treat you as their friend as long as you do exactly what they tell you. As soon as you say you can't make an order that month due to financial situations, or want a break from the business or to leave, they turn on you and begin to abuse you and pull away from you. What you thought were your friends, turn nasty on you and are told to cease any contact with you. Omegatrend members are told by their upline to cease all communication with those who leave Omegatrend.

I introduced a few friends into Omegatrend, and after I left, they were told by their upline to never see or speak to me again or their membership will be canceled.

So as you can see, Omegatrend is likened to a Cult. They condition you to change all your contacts in life, and to only associate with them and new members.

There is a very ugly side to Omegatrend, so Reader, I just want you to realise, that if you want to join Omegatrend, then I wish you luck. However, realise, it's nothing more than a deceptive Cult, which will encourage you to write down all the people you know, and approach them so they can come and hear about it. Then realise you are introducing people to a presentation filled with deceptive information. Is that what you want for your friends and family?

Omegatrend won't tell you about the people left behind, who have lost friends and family members, and been emotionally scared. Yet the truth is, there are many people who have been left shattered by false promises.

Now that you may have heard about Omegatrend by an Omegatrend member and an ex-member, you have more data and information to come to a conclusion if Omegatrend is for you or not. Do not believe them when they tell you it's going to be an easy journey in Omegatrend. The truth is, it will take you years to even achieve the basic and low levels, and during those years, you will have had left behind a trail of hurt people.

Please realise, you can achieve Presidential level in Omegatrend, yet it's not a journey how they describe it. Your journey will be filled with people deceiving others, using manipulative techniques and making false promises.

In the good Book there is a verse that says "What does it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?"

And any person who makes it to Presidential level in Omegatrend, has done so by having thousand's lose their dreams, being shattered, broken hearted, and mentally and emotionally scared. It's impossible to reach the higher levels in Omegatrend without having thousand's of casualties along the way. Is that what you truly seek for your life? If you are wanting to be conditioned to love money and social status, and leave behind thousands of broken people, then perhaps you should try Omegatrend.

If you want to sell your soul, and don't care how many people you need to bulldoze over, then Omegatrend may be for you. If you don't mind Omegatrend becoming your number one god and idol in your life, and to all those you introduce into the business, then go for it. If that is something you can live with, that's fine.

However, Reader, I am sure you don't seek that for yourself, do you?

Omegatrend only focus on money and materialism. They encourage you to write a goal sheet, filled with a money focus. The truth is, Omegatrend teach members to idolise and serve money and to use people to get it, even to deceiving them. They will claim they are doing a great service for mankind, by helping you get money to do whatever you want, so you can help people and charities etc, yet it's all a deception, as they use that as a false reason to get what they want, anyway possible.

So, if you are like me, and would rather serve people with truthfulness, and you realise that honesty, character, ethics, integrity are more important and must come before prosperity and becoming a high member in Omegatrend, then I would strongly recommend you not join Omegatrend.

Also, be very cautious if you want to join and put in your whole life into Omegatrend, because Omegatrend is currently in insolvency and have hired a company that deal with bankruptcy etc. So if you put in years into building your Omegatrend business, and it collapses, you will have lost years of time. I received the following data from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omegatrend And from the front page at: http://www.omegatrend.com they admit to having hired PPB which specialise in companies who have financial difficulties.
Current Financial Problems

In May 2006, Omegatrend called in administrators from insolvency accounting firm PPB. Omegatrend's suppliers were owed $2 million and Omegatrend directors have said they are fully committed to preserving all members' rights and to fixing the group's financial problems. Omegatrend directors are working on a restructuring plan, and with the enormous support received from the member are confident the business will continue.

They claim they are confident the business will continue, yet that is an opinion based on assumption. This is a bad sign for Omegatrend's future as being insolvent and unable to pay all their debts. The negative results will be felt within the members, and the top members and founders will still receive most of the money at the expense of the rest.

Whatever you choose to do, I wish you all the best in your future. I can only encourage you to pursue character, integrity, ethics and honesty before you consider joining Omegatrend.

Omegatrend and ethics, honesty, and good character cannot go together, as there is too much deceit in Omegatrend and too much focus on money and social status. And at current, Omegatrend being insolvent, is too high of a risk to invest your whole life into this business with the added risk of losing loved ones and friends, and leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Yours Sincerely, Matthew.

Subject: omegatrend
Name: Jenny
Time/Date: 07:22:38 8/01/106

Sorry to hear you are so bitter about your experiences with OT. I was an active member for many years, commencing 1992 and attended meetings etc in Perth. I cannot agree with your comments. I watched and spoke with people who were among the founders and was in a group led by the Edwy-Smiths. Ot workedfinancially for those that had the committement. I never gave it my all for many reasons, but although it did not work for me financially, it certainly worked for me in all other facets of my life and that of my kids. We are now at a stage of our lives where we are financially secure and can make lifestyle choices. With my background before ot this would have never been possible without being around the people I associated with for many years, many of which I still have contact with. We knew all the stories of the problems with Amway and nothing was ever kept from us. In fact upline were very direct about it. It aggravates me that someone like Matthew makes up these stories based on his opinion. Why did you not speak to more people matthew and find out the real stories? Have you looked at yourself to see why you are so bitter about what you see as someone failing you. Maybe you have failed yourself. Is "no" such a bad word to hear from others especially as it means what YOU (ie you matthew)do not have anything to spark the interest from the person you are talking you. Have you thought that maybe the time was not right in the life of that person you contacted. Not everybody is going to embrace what you have to offer and sometimes you need to look at yourself and see if what you are offering (you) would be received by yourself. I currently own a franchise. If I don't make it work, do I blame the franchise or do I take a good look at myself and honestly answer the question : am I do everything to make this thing work or is there something Icould do differently. It is our body language that conveys our attitude. Did you try to convey what you did not believe in and the people you tried to convey a false message to see right through you?
Matthew I am very saddened to hear that ot has problems financially now - it is a great vehicle for many to achieve what they want out of life (and for me it was giving me the confidence to make decisions)and it isn't always money.
I do hope you can take a good look at your cynicism and critical attitude. Our society needs leaders and if somewhere like Ot can teach those principles to as many people as possible then maybe we will have better teachers, role models, business relationships in many walkd of life.Matthew if you learn these principles you then may contribute something positive to our world and actually make a difference.

Subject: Omegatrend gone bust!
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 05:49:30 8/04/106

Dear Jenny,

You really need to read a persons message properly before you make false assumptions and false comments.

I never claimed Omegatrend was still part of Amway, I said some have suggested it.

And also, you truly have not learned empathy, as you assume to know someone else's feelings, without proof. You assume to believe I am bitter, yet you cannot be certain to know someone else's feelings over messages. When you assume, and lack in any empathy skills, it only goes to prove that you have not had any true personal growth through Omegatrend.

And Omegatrend has now been sold, exactly as I predicted in another message. All Omegatrend members will soon be left without a solid business, and lose most of their downline.

Anyone who invested into Omegatrend will now feel the ill-effects of this evil and poorly managed business.

Omegatrend is a cult, and Omegatrend is their god and idol.

Anyone reading this, should consider getting
out of Omegatrend, and never join it again!

I could not sleep at night if I was still a member of Omegatrend, as it leaves a trail of hurt people in the process.

Why would you sell your soul, have others hurt?

God bless.



Subject: In response to your email
Name: Sharon
Time/Date: 17:52:13 7/07/106

Dear Matthew,

I believe you have no idea of what you are talking about other than you are angry that this business did for what ever reason did not work for. This business is like every other business to have to work at it for me personally I was informed where the leaders of the organisation came from why they had a dream that no one should have to go through what they did and when Amway took Loren to court, Loren won so what does that tell you. You have no right to judge some one when you don't know or have all the facts. I was never told that is was going to be easy I believe you thought you were in for a quick dollar nothing easy is legal. I am sorry you never stuck around because you miss out on a lot as I feel it is not always about the money but it is also about knowledge, friendship and the journey to success personally within you and also the people that you are going to be on this journey with.

I admire a very successful person that was on a TV program a question was asked of him if you lost all of your empire what would you do to recover. His answer was I would search for the best MLM company and run with it, as it is the way of the times plus you really need to read the Next Millionaire by Paul Zane Pilzer as what you wrote just shows that you know nothing about the future and as Omegatrend has been around for 16 years I believe the future for Omegatrend and the business people in the company can stand proud and continue to live their dreams can you.

Subject: reply to Sharon
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 06:02:15 8/04/106

Dear Sharon,

You truly lack any empathy skills and a high awareness. The reason I say that is because your message is based on personal assumptions, that have been concluded from limited, incomplete and false data.

And you said it's a shame I didn't stick around in Omegatrend. Well the truth is, I am glad I didn't, because as I predicted, it was sold, and will soon totally lose most of its members.

Omegatrend will totally collapse, and with it thousands of people will be mentally and emotionally damaged.

Sharon, don't make so many judgements and conclusions on assumed data and assumed information. It only reveals you are brainwashed by the OT cult, and cannot think rationally for yourself.

True empathy means you have a high enough awareness to realise not everyone on Earth think and believe as you, and we all have a right to express our own thoughts and experiences without getting attacked by your comments.

Grow up Sharon quickly, or you will also get hurt by companies such as Omegatrend.

Work on your self, before you try to work on others, and realise arrogance will lead to misery.

God bless.



Subject: Omegatrend's trend is fast fading
Name: Rodha
Time/Date: 22:53:40 7/11/106

Lets get something straight

#1 - Omegatrend is NOT a subsidiary of Amway! where in the world did u get that idea?! Loren Watts won the case against Amway because court ruled that he can withdraw from Amway - like any person can quit his employment - and if he managed to convince his colleagues to quit with him, so be it. Amway had no right to say the rest shouldn't quit, it's their right!

In any company, there are black sheeps who does things wrong, and unfortunately in Amway there are quite a few. These are INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNERS! Amway has a strict code of conduct, but you can;t monitor everyone all the time. The business is voluntary, you restrict a person too much or take strict action - what does he do? Join the competition! Its not like he has huge capital or overheads stuck in Amway .. he can leave anytime. Its always a fine balance to keep the bad boys in check, and keep the business running.

#2 - The "true" Amway is transparent. Facts are there for those looking for it. Go to the websites - www.alticor.com, amway.com, nutrilite.com, artistry.com, espring.com. No overzealous, misleading claims on products or income. The business was built on the spirit of free enterprise, and partnership. Based on solid, quality products, that are value for money.

#3 - No matter what the facts are ... you will never please everyone, all the time. But financial success... USD6.4 billion sales in 2005, Reputation success= Chairman Steve Van Andel was elected US Chambers of Commerce chairman in 2001. Before that his dad, the late Jay Van Andel was chairman of COC .. speaks volume for the trust the US business community has in Amway, product positioning .. . Nutrilite being the only brand of food supplements to be grown, harvested, processed on ITS OWN certified organic farms, being the LARGEST SELLING brand in the world (based on independent Euromonitor market research), ARTISTRY being Top 5 LARGEST SELLING brand of prestige skin care & color cosmetics in the WORLD for the last 5 years .. competing against the famous shelf brands .. also speaks volumes for the TRUST that consumers (in general, some are Omegatrend Sanden Brooke lovers) have in the Amway brand.

#4 - If you examine the Amway sales & marketing plan closely, you will see that its a FAIR plan, and incorporates features that will secure your future & be able to pass it on to the next generation.


1. Based on solid, unique, quality products that are (let me repeat again) VALUE for money. When an MLM company reward FAST, BIG money for little effor & inferior products .. remember, somebody is paying for it .. most probably the customers ( your friends & families). Not everyone are made to be entrepreneurs, but everyone needs to wash their teeth, hair, care, dishes, take care of their health by taking whole-food, organic supplements, buy skin care etc. Its a matter of switching brands to a company that reward your loyalty ... and falling in love with the products.

2. There are no rewards for recruitment. No upfront stocking up requirements, no product purchase quota to guarantee income - all are elements of pyramid scheme. yet Amway has been around for almost 50 years (nutrilite for 71 years!) THAT's PROVEN SUCCESS.

3. Most importantly - the company keeps its promises. Even people who have passed on, their estate/family continue to receive income (growing income!) for past efforts.

THAT MY FRIEND, IS THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS IN MLM. Partnering the right company, and the right team of people is very important.

I wonder what happens to all the Omegatrend distributors when the company finally winds up? Feel cheated and never touching MLM again? Thats too bad ...well there's always the thousands of cheap imitators .. Herbalife? Nu Skin? Transfer Factor? wheww...

Subject: attention:Rodha
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 06:07:27 8/04/106

Dear Rodha,

Keep dreaming, but realise if your dreams include Omegatrend, then your dreams will turn into a nightmare.

God bless.



Subject: Agel - The Exploding Giant
Name: Peter Conway
Time/Date: 13:36:16 5/10/106

The purpose of this message is to invite you to preview a MLM business opportunity. Agel is a new and exciting company that has experienced unprecedented growth and success in the world-wide trillion dollar wellness industry. Agel is currently operating in 14 countries and is now expanding into Australia and New Zealand.

When considering a MLM company it is important to consider the products, company and compensation plan, which I will do with Agel now.

Agel has revolutionised the wellness industry through the development of Gelceuticals, "nutrients in gel suspension". Gelceuticals unique gel suspension technology allows for greater absorption of nutrients into the body, resulting in far greater health benefits. The products range from antioxidants to vitamins and minerals, energy supplements to weight management supplements. But not only are the products awesome, they are the first of their kind!!!!!

The company has over 30 years experience in the MLM industry. Their financial backing is through Ash Capital, a venture capital company founded by Alan Ashton. Alan invented WordPerfect, and sold it to Microsoft for $1.6 Billion. His company are dedicated to getting Agel to the top. Three very well known network-marketers, Randy Schroeder, Eric Worre and Randy Gage, have independantly found their way to Agel and have joined as Distributors. You can be apart of their team.

The Agel Quadra-Plan has taken the best parts of the 4 most successful MLM compensation plans. This plan provides 8 different ways to earn, including the Leveraged Matching Bonus, which is the biggest advancement in compensation plans in the last 20 years.

I would like to direct you to the following website to preview the opportunity,


Please watch the media provided on this site and email me if you are interested.

Yours truly,

Peter Conway
E: peter.conway86@gmail.com
W: www.globalagelonline.com

Subject: Tod, as far as i have seen,... I have only seen good in Omegatrend!
Name: melinder
Time/Date: 09:58:56 12/20/105

I am 19 and still a student. I recently joined omegatrend. I have attended the presentations and every one of them i attend motivates me more and more! Frankly speaking, I attended the presentations first then only did i decide to inform my family and friends about this amazing business! I recently planned to introduce this program to my father who is a doctor.
For a person who only believes in hard work = hard earned cash, he is very interested in what i had to show him! I am suprised and amazed that of all the business in the world that he can invest in, he comes to terms with me that omegatrend is indeed as what it says! People succeeding through business! U have got nothing to lose, and, only about everything to gain in life, and meet more people!

First off, if you are still doubtful, why not attend a business presentation (BP). Get to know more about the business from those who are succeding in this business! You will truly be amazed at what you will learn!

I seriously hope that this helps!

Subject: mlm
Name: david logan
Time/Date: 08:51:03 5/05/106

I Tod
My name is David I could not help but notice how you enjoy MLM

The MLM that I am with has the best business model in the world and is a debt free Company with 19yrs behind it

This Company is on the verge of expanding global

This a window of opportunity like this



Subject: Reply Fast//
Time/Date: 15:18:42 2/27/106












MR ANDREW KOFFI, andrewkf2006@yahoo.com

Subject: Omegatrend
Name: AnWar ShAhiruDDiN
Time/Date: 06:25:32 9/19/105

hi everyone, i've recently found this site and go through all the forum details. just wanna share my experience with ot. i,ve join this business in 2002 when i was 19 turning to 20 years old. i'm 23 now & had been in this business for almost 4 years now.

when i start this business i was rejected by almost everyone that is older than me. they said i'm a kid, you don't know anything about biz, etc.. but that doesn't stop me from achieving my dreams and goals in life.

with the great ot business system, now 90% of my group are 23 years old and below. i had 3 exe premeieres under me, 2 of them are the same age as me and more than 30 exe clubs who majority of them are younger than me.

me and my group had been to sydney 3 years in row. we never miss it. and the best part of it is that the numbers getting bigger every year!!

now, i'm living my life to the max. i'm livng in my own apartment, drive my own car and happily doing the things that i love to do every single day.

ot had really changed my life. because one thing that i believe is that we are what we had become by the bokks that we read and the people that we meet.

ot had provide it all.. the associations with great visionaries such as loren and sandra watts, greg, arthur and mei yap + the great ot system, theres nothing can go wrong unless you didn't do what you're suppose to do.

all the best to all my ot family all over the globe and god bless.


Subject: Thank you..
Name: Jena Watts
Time/Date: 01:02:18 4/12/106


My name is Jena Watts, i am Loren and Sandra's daughter.. i was browsing the internet and found your post on this site..

I would like to thank you for your support in the business.. reading your post gave me a joy inside to know that what my parents have done for people is really making such a difference in their lives..

Go for the Gold, you can achieve presidential, and with a strong group, i believe you can do it soon..

See you in Sydney!


Jena Watts..

Subject: How to choose a MLM company
Name: Chris Shen
Time/Date: 00:09:35 7/14/105

Dear Tod,

I am an Chinese Australian. I read your post regarding of MLM business and understand your confusion. First of all, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with MLM. I'm doing MLM business too. However, there are so many MLM companies out there. It is very important to know how to choose a MLM company. After all, you're taking a MLM business not just for one day. Therefore, you have to consider factors that are well researched by the academic professors as well as those economists. I'm living in Sydney (Australia). If you are living in the same city and want to know more, please let me know your contact number. I can arrange a meeting with you and reveal you the facts that you don't have right now. RIGHT CHOICE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWORKING.

Best Regards

Subject: MLM's not a Con
Name: Errol Cherry
Time/Date: 07:04:44 1/01/105

I would love to give credit where credit is due. Omegatrend's Books and Tapes has given me such great grounding,life skills and encoragement(at the time bankruptacy)I will always remain greatful to people like (Johono) John and Val Johnson for there encoragement and training.
I am no longer a member of Omegatrend and have no bad feelings towards Omegatrend, Loran or Sandra Watts (know the Watts family personaly),or my sponsor.
My only advise is that the MLM Vehicle that you chose must fit you. I have chosen Mannatech I too am verry successful with this Company I have Replaced My JOB and now travel around the world on a residual income.
What did it for me was making a difference in peoples lives It gave my health back.I was never excited about soap and shampoo etc, now I change peoples Health and their lives one person at a time. What do you think someones attitude is when they have their life back? They shout it night and day.People use the product because it gives Incredible results and NO one has to ring them up to push products!! The order is in!!
The products are Science based and will stand any examination.The Compensation plan is World class (accelerated Leverage).I do not sell Product! I educate! I sugest that everyone must do there own due diligents, No "Me too products". Patents are on this Technolegy,you can't buy this any were else other than Mannatech. www.mannapages.com/cherry Follow your Dream BUT never Bag Networking if you havent worked it. If you are not prepared to WORK get out. Call me for help
regards Errol Cherry

Subject: Ipod of the wellness industry
Name: Siti Hawa
Time/Date: 01:54:54 2/04/108

Hello there Mr Errol
My name is Siti. I am from Malaysia.
Read what you said and agree with your opinion about " me too product "
I have something very importantto present to you.Am sure you will be more than impressed
not only with the products but the one of a kind dynamic income plan.
Have a look. Very important.
Please visit www.agelworldteam.com then go to presentation choose country and language that you are comfortable with.

Thank you for your time. Should you need more info . please feel free to contact me thru e mail.
You have a great great day.



Subject: Network distribution
Name: David Pollak
Time/Date: 23:25:43 2/24/105

I agree..Just about every thread on Network Distribution or MLM (they are different)attracts negative comments..and they are usually from those who either didn't follow a proven system, didn't have staying power, or who just made the wrong choice of company.

My thoughts are that if you are considering this sort of business( I am an associate of Usana Health Sciences) then you should consider the following:

1. Make sure the company is publicly listed, so you can check out the financials. How the financial markets view the performance of management is then very transparent, based on the share price.

2. Make sure its Revenue and Profit is having consistent high growth. Check for zero or reasonable debt. Debt does facilitate expansion so don't get too sucked in by claims of "zero debt"

3. This one is the killer for most MLM...Investigate the integrity of the founder and management team. Use the internet. Ignore the disgruntled losers that are everywhere, and search using founders names and "fraud".

4. Don't believe hype about products "based on solid science", and "emphasis on R&D"...look for independent comparative studies that prove the products have differentiation with what is on shop shelves. Compare the actual R&D spend over the last 5 years between companies.

5. Go with a fair compensation system that is easy to explain,that has one awards from the industry for the last 7 years...

If you don't do this sort of due diligence then you will only have yourself to blame when it doesn't work.

I'm enjoying this forum..this is my first 10c worth. Looking forward to more.

David Pollak
Independent Usana Associate

Subject: We're launching!
Name: Tine from Norway
Time/Date: 08:19:27 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.
We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: neways
Name: george
Time/Date: 06:42:48 11/18/104

megatrend has screwed many people before and is still screwing people and i have found another MLM which is safe it is called NEWAYS INTERNATIONAL and i am joined into it and so far the products are immaculate and the pay is very good but megatrend i dare you to get into that your wasting your time.
if you and your friend wish to join up into neways email me.

Subject: We're launching!
Name: Tine from Norway
Time/Date: 08:20:06 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.
We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: OT, OK
Name: Kath
Time/Date: 22:27:24 11/02/104

I joined Omegetrend, but am not a business builder now.

I found it to be a very ethical company, and I personally know people who have built a very good strong business. Yes you need to be very committed to the program to be successful.

It didn't work for me, not because it doesn't work, it was because I didn't commit to the program 100% (personal reasons)

I would not discourage any one from joining because it does have fantastic oportunities for those who succeed. And unless you give it a go you will never know if it could have been you.

Also it has been wonderful for me just from a personal development point. And being around people who have such a positive outlook, is just contagious.

Give it a go, nothing to lose.

Subject: The Conn
Name: Burnt
Time/Date: 16:30:52 12/27/106

The Con of omegatrend , having built the largest fastest omegatrend business in the history of the company .Then and only then do the doors to all the lies open. Attend business presentations.....where does the money go..........seminars....where does all that money go. The cost of the function, no paid directly into private bank accounts of presedential members. Sit around and be part of the upper levels of omegatrend ,and see and listen to the shit being talked over, if you want to be screwed , visit a brothel it is cheaper.

Subject: OT
Name: El Azreen
Time/Date: 12:42:32 7/03/105

Dear Kath,

I am a member of OT. I have joined for about 4 month now. Read about ur article and it was pretty comforting. Because I am a little bit down at this moment because my ot business is not moving that fast as how I expected. Just wanna tell you, your article, really have put me back on straight mind. Thanx. Hope to hear from you.

Subject: How to choose a MLM company
Name: Chris Shen
Time/Date: 00:04:37 7/14/105

Dear El Azreen,

I am an Chinese Australian. I read your post regarding of MLM and understand your disappointment and dilemma. First of all, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with MLM. I'm doing MLM business too. However, there are so many MLM companies out there. It is very important to know how to choose a MLM company. After all, you're taking a MLM business not just for one day. Therefore, you have to consider factors that are well researched by the academic professors as well as those economists. I'm living in Sydney (Australia). If you are living in the same city and want to know more, please let me know your contact number. I can arrange a meeting with you and reveal you the facts that you don't have right now. RIGHT CHOICE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWORKING.

Best Regards

Subject: ot
Name: kyrie
Time/Date: 04:32:37 6/11/104

u should go and a look..it change my life for the better..n maybe it could change ur life too...no risk, just have a look..

Subject: It cahnged MY life!
Name: Tine from Norway
Time/Date: 08:22:09 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.
We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: OT
Name: Mark
Time/Date: 08:03:43 3/03/104

THe watts are ex amway people who got greedy - at least 90% or in the watts case 99% of the profit is made from selling tapes and books and tickets to functions - its not a business about soap its a business about personal development -

yes you can make money - if you have a few dollars to invest however there are a lot of better places to make money short and long term

Subject: about mark
Name: watdaheck
Time/Date: 04:48:43 6/11/104

mark u suck dude!

Subject: 0megatrend
Name: Robyn
Time/Date: 23:18:32 12/27/103

If OT was a con why would I rejoin
The support is fantastic, the top people in OT in Adelaide are very approachable
Since rejoining I have the most undisputable respect for the whole company

Do yourself a favour in 2004
Take a look
You might just find your "VEHICLE"

Subject: Omegatrend
Name: Paul
Time/Date: 16:14:24 5/14/103

It's a typical multi level marketing concept.
You have to move a shit laod of product to make money and that means simply playing the game to sign people up.
The only ones to make the reaal money are Lauren and Sandra Watts. They own this scam.
It's just a game of sign em up and get em to spend a lot.
The basis for suckering people in is propaganda. Of course members will tell you it's ' good' propaganda.
I've seen former mebers get nasty when people decied to leave (because they finally realise the've spent a shit load and got nothing back from it.)
Anytime you 'move'/ supply a product to anyone you should recieve a profit.
Unfortunatley with MLM this is not the case.
Don't get sucked in by Lauren Watt's bullshit and give Omegatrend a wide berth.

Subject: who to blame?
Name: indi
Time/Date: 12:39:20 4/08/104

some poeple claim tat OT is hard, Lauren Watts talking bullshit...
all these c0mments usually come from those who r from other 749 MLM companies, or they had quit OT bcoz they did not gain anything, simply bcoz they refuse to follow the system..
question is...
Either YOU r lousy.. or the company is lousy!
the company has been thr for many years n it has produced many millionaires and have changed millions of lives. is the company lousy? i don think so...
if the company not lousy... YOU ARE!!!!

Subject: Omegatrend
Name: Robin
Time/Date: 10:03:08 3/11/104

Obviously you know very little about omegatrend.You don't spend any differently to what you are already doing, but just buying from a different supplier. Your claim of people spending shit loads is not correct, because they either buy from the supermarket and the supermarket gets the profit or they can buy a range of goods and services through the omegatrend system and they get the profit returned to them based on the effort they have put into their business. Secondly, the only reason people complain they didn't get anything back is because they didn't do any work in the business. Just the same as going to a 40 hr working week as you probably do, if you don't do any work then your boss will sack you and you don't get any pay either. So take another look at Omegatrend with an open mind instead of a negative attitude and be prepared to do some work and you will succeed, thats if you really want to.

Subject: Omegatrend is a scam
Name: Tony
Time/Date: 18:26:41 8/10/107


Subject: OT
Name: Mr T
Time/Date: 17:34:36 10/13/105

Can You explain why so many premiers and executive premiers have left OT then Robin??

Subject: Omegatrend
Name: Dzulhafiz Muhamad
Time/Date: 11:09:02 5/20/104

i really agree about all the things that you say 'bout OT.
i also want to be a member of this bussines. i'm from malaysia. the reason that i chose this bussines is: many of malaysian people achieve their goal by earning big salary in this bussines. for example, my upline.he is now ambassador of this bussines and get money >12'500 per month.
i also agree to what you say about "if you don't work,boss also will sack you out".

please reply to me

Subject: OT
Name: putra
Time/Date: 04:56:01 4/12/106

for a second opinion pls log to:


Subject: We're launching!
Name: Tine
Time/Date: 08:18:00 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.

We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: Send me information
Name: Alan Rothman
Time/Date: 15:41:38 12/07/105

I would like to see the information

Subject: Omegatrebd...business of making dreams come true!!
Name: ida yuzairina
Time/Date: 00:54:18 6/07/104

hai! I'm ida from malaysia.

OT is an international biz and promise u a global income provided u are committed and willing to do to pursue ur dream. It's the biz of making dream come true.

My name is ida and I've been with OT since Jan 2003. Great biz and really enjoy doing it...In this biz if u are not having fun doing it, so u do it wrong!!!!!

It offers u travel around the world and meet great positive thinker people...what u need to do is prepare urself with an international passport, fasten ur seat belt, relax n enjoy the journey with OT.

Subject: Forget the hypes, get the facts
Name: ASMI
Time/Date: 21:47:16 12/13/104

There is nothing wrong with MLM.

It's a beautiful industry which allow the ambitious and hardworking individual to leverage and build a business of their own with low capital and low risk.

In Malaysia, there are thousands of business opportunites, not necessarily in MLM. Some, obviously are better than others.

Omegatrend people, you can succeed in it, that's not an issue.Question is, at whose expense? To start would cost a bomb. True, people shampoo, brush their teeth everyday - but your products are nothing special, and price doesn't reflect the true value. What kind of R&D do you do? Vitamins are crap and are outsourced. Can you trust the quality and efficacy? Global business? It's in 4 countries for Godsake!

I've been in the Amway business for 1 1/2 years, and have reached the level of Ruby Direct by providing my customers with superior quality, 100% satisfaction guaranteed products and developing leaders and helping them achieve their goals. I also come from a family that has been & benefitted from Rich & Jay's labour of love for over 20 years.

Forget about Network 21, Dreamchaser and all that ****. Because Amway is accessible and affordable to anyone, it is bound to attract some bad hats. Rich & Jay's philosophy is nobody should lose money in Amway.

It;s a product based business, and supported by a giant corporation with integrity and committed to the partnership.

Get the facts. Visit amway.com, amway2u.com, nutrilite.com, artistry.com

Subject: ASMI
Name: mohd abdullah
Time/Date: 09:42:41 1/15/105

Is that wat u learn in AMWAY???hellooo...to start (omegatrend) only cost u rm340 that u will get back on the first mth that is rm380.Don't simply say things if u r not clear with the details...

Subject: OT is "small fry" compared to Amway
Name: AskMe
Time/Date: 21:49:56 1/16/106


Getting back the money you pay to join OT is not the issue ... the company has to guarantee product SALE. Thats why you pay so much to join and get product in return.

OT is just another program. In Malaysia there is Elken, CNI, Nu SKin and THOUSANDS MORE

The founder Loren Twatt was ex-Amway. He got involved in the MOTIVATIONAL aspect of Amway and got kicked out. We're talkin about the true philosophy of Amway .. a product based, service focused business. Don't get confused

In what way is OT the best? Sales? Amway sale worldwide 2004 is USD6.2 billion. In Malaysia RM507 million. Rich DeVos can buy OT anytime .. but that is not his purpose. We focus on making our products & opportunity better, not buy out the competition. Rich DeVos is the owner or Orlando Magic.

Global presence? Amway is in over 80 countries and territories.

What other criteria? Trips? We've been to Alaska, Cape Town, Tokyo, San Francisco, Melbourne etc. Next year trip is to Rome, and ALASKA again!

OT make it easier to qualify for trips, but the places you go to are nothing special. I doubt it is TOTALLY FREE either.

Nutrilite (Amway flagship nutrition product) is 71 years young! Won Superbrands award in malaysia - PLATINUM AWARD. Consumer awareness and preference is high.

The JVs that OT is having with the services companies are innovative, but as long as you rely on others for income, the business is not SECURE. Amway produces everything in the CORE line themselves and is in total control over quality, and supply.

I've seen the OT Presentation Video. I've seen the interviews you show with the executives of OT. Never once they impress me with the QUALITY, TECHNOLOGY, R&D, UNIQUENESS of Sanden Brooke! Its nuthin special.

Amway is "a promise kept". There is legacy you can pass to the next generation, no purchase QUOTA either.

If you can build such a big business with OT, I applaud you. It means that you have worked hard and have good leadership qualities. But you can do so much better in "the true" Amway.

Sorry to sound so harsh. Too much bull++++ in OT.

Subject: You have no idea
Name: sharon
Time/Date: 18:00:29 7/07/106

Mr Amway,

You should be ashamed to put down another company who has no problem in saying who we are your company however has approximately 3 names that I am aware of and you lie to get into peoples homes you never tell people who you really are get a grip I am an ex amway person my self and Omegatrend has more loyalty and ethics than amway will ever have especially here in Australia. I personally know of people that are not even aware that they are apart of Amway until at least 6 weeks into the program so do go off mouthing when you have no right. All of this is so destroying because you just kill everyones hopes and dreams for there future. And for you knowledge we were always informed never to put another company down even yours and there are successful people all MLM we are not to be the judges and jury that is God's job I assume you have nothing better to do with your time.

Subject: Bankrupt, Sold, and Buried (hopefully)!
Name: Omegatrend is the greatest!
Time/Date: 07:43:27 8/01/106

Latest news! Omegatrend to be sold to another MLM company, New Zealand based New Image ( a company that suffered significant losses in 2005!)

Such great future awaits Omegatrenders!!

Subject: Question
Name: Jay
Time/Date: 08:00:10 6/24/106

Hi I was just wondering if you are high up in Amway and if you actually know what the seventh day adventist church has to do with amway and omegatrend

Subject: It's official ... OMEGATREND WENT BANKRUPT!
Name: Hakimee
Time/Date: 00:54:15 5/09/106

Source: Western Australia Business News, 8 May 2006

$4m debts for direct seller

THE Omegatrend direct selling group has gone into administration with estimated debts of $4 million.

Omegatrend began in Perth in 1990.

The company built a substantial network of distributors in the Hunter Valley after co-founder Loren Watts and wife Sandra moved to the area.

Partners from the Perth office of insolvency specialist PPB were appointed administrators to three Omegatrend companies last Tuesday and PPB partner Cliff Rocke said they were still going through the company books.

Mr Rocke said it appeared Omegatrend owed unsecured creditors about $2 million and secured creditor NAB $1.3 million.

Wages and entitlements owed to about 70 staff were likely to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mr Rocke said there were "tens of thousands" of Omegatrend members in Australia and internationally who appeared to be owed a month's worth of "cashbacks" and "bonus points" from their selling activities.

He had not put a value on the amounts but as the recipients were members rather than creditors, they would not be paid until all creditors' debts were settled.

Mr Watts, 46, told The Herald he was grateful the voluntary administration had allowed "a 28-day breather for companies" to get their affairs in order.

He said Omegatrend had called in the administrators "early" rather than risk insolvent trading.

He was hopeful that a deed of company arrangement could be put to creditors to allow Omegatrend to trade out of its difficulties.

Mr Rocke said Omegatrend was 70 per cent owned by Mr Watts through a company called Omegatrend International.

One of the founders, John Kenyon, holds the rest of Omegatrend International.

Mr Rocke said an early examination disclosed two likely causes of the company's problems.

One was a rapid "global expansion" in the past year.

The other was the buoyant economy, which had eaten into sales because people were less likely to turn to direct selling to bolster their incomes when plenty of other work was around.

Mr Rocke said Mr Watts had pledged to sell what assets were necessary to finance a deed of company arrangement to put Omegatrend back on a healthy footing.

Omegatrend has been featured in several press examinations of the direct selling industry and Mr Watts has been involved in several headline-making property deals.

One involves a large residential block at Dora Creek, which Lake Macquarie City Council said on Friday was the subject of a Land and Environment Court case.

Council development assessment and compliance manager Peter Hodge said the council was negotiating with Mr Watts over earthworks, a dam and a canal linking it to the lake, which were alleged to be unauthorised.

Mr Hodge said Mr Watts lodged plans during the case for a $3.5 million house on the block.

He said council officers had investigated another Watts property at Martinsville.

Subject: We're launching!
Name: Tine from Norway
Time/Date: 08:25:47 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.
We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: Reply to Tod
Name: jan
Time/Date: 06:49:05 9/21/103

Tod I'm sorry but I wouldn't be interested in looking at your site when you slipped your advertising onto this site by critising another business, namely Omegatrend. The remarks you made about OT in my experience of the business are incorrect. My upline support is fantastic...... totally the opposite to your remarks.

Subject: apology
Name: jan
Time/Date: 07:02:43 9/21/103

Sorry Tod I thought I'd sent this to Theo!!!

I'm might add thought that I'm getting paid through Omegatrend while on line!

Subject: Make you decision after see the business presentation..o.k
Name: Lia
Time/Date: 17:42:34 5/05/103

go...and see the business first then your decision is in your hand...but thinking about your dreams and what do u want to be..

Subject: OmegaTrend
Name: Theo
Time/Date: 16:15:14 12/22/102

G'Day Tod,

Have heard of OmegaTrend and been to a presentation.
It's not a con, but on the other hand it's a difficult business to do.
Basicaly, it's Amway dressed in an Aussie format.
Like most of these businesses, you need to be a 'salesman' and you have to purchase a certain amount of product each month.
If you don't, I can guarantee you your upline will give you a call to remind you.
On top of that, you are purchasing products you can buy at supermarkets for almost half the price.
You see all the commissions are facted into the products, so if you don't buy your upline gets nothing.
Now that's not really a business is it ??

If your interested in getting involved in a Home Based Business that doesn't force you to BUY or SELL a thing, but overwhelms you with benefits, drop me a line.
An Australian company that's set to revolutionize the way people do business.

Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year.
Theo...(03) 9470 5466...0411 838 436.

Subject: What company is coming?
Name: Russ
Time/Date: 20:11:03 6/21/105


Subject: ot
Name: carla
Time/Date: 23:29:20 6/07/104



Subject: Ethics
Name: jan
Time/Date: 07:05:28 9/21/103

I'm sorry but I wouldn't be interested in looking at your site when you slipped your advertising onto this site by critising another business, namely Omegatrend. The remarks you made about OT in my experience of the business are incorrect. My upline support is fantastic...... totally the opposite to your remarks.

Subject: interested
Name: Stephen Reeves
Time/Date: 22:52:43 6/29/103

I'm dropping you a line

Subject: omegatrend
Name: Eggman
Time/Date: 04:48:46 6/28/104

While you drop a line I will snort a line. Then where both fine.

Go Go MLM the cash is out there my friends just work for it..

Subject: what a waste of time
Name: ellen
Time/Date: 22:30:00 5/04/103

if ur business is so good, why can't the website just tell people straight away what is all about? why make urself look so fishy?

at least omegatrend tell people at the beginning stage what it is all about, if u like it join, if not, that's fine with us.

if u believe there is easy way to be free and successful, u r not grown up yet.

pls telll me what business involve no transaction or buying/selling? even if u r an employee, u r selling ur life to your employer who buys it with the salary, no selling/buying?

Subject: i am agree with you!!!!1
Name: Gary
Time/Date: 17:39:17 5/05/103

i am agree with you ellen...this business is not to force other people rite...it is abotu inviting...rite...how not business minded that the people think. tha's all bye. Gary Adamson.

Subject: Proof in the pudding !!!
Name: Theo
Time/Date: 23:54:00 5/11/103

You guys are right, I guess I should have written more about my business, but I didn't want to look pushy.
I was giving my opinion, and only my opinion.
I have been involved in MLM for over 10 years now. I've seen many come and go. I've seen every sort of matrix available, and now understand why most people fail in MLM.

The company I'm involved with is The FreshWater Group.
Web site : www.brave.freshwatergroup.net

Our moto is "Breaking All The Rules".
We are redefining the way people do business.
Go to my web site and have a look around, and then you tell me what you think.
I would appreciate your input.

I'm not saying your business or any other MLM type of business is bad.
I'm just saying it's difficult for the average person to make it really work.
At FreshWater, we are not saying we have re-invented the wheel, we have just made the ride less bumpy.

Look forward to your reply.

Subject: OT
Name: Paul
Time/Date: 23:19:03 9/25/103

I'd just like to say that I am Mr average and from what most people would think probably stupider than most considering I'm in the army and the infantry at that. All I know is that my partner and I joined OT in April and now because of it she does not have to work any more.

I think that you will find that anyone who is truly negative about OT is either in another MLM and is jelous of the great opportunity it offers, joined OT and did nothing and thereby gained no rewards from the program or just plain does not understand it.

We have had a great time building our business to the level its at and the rewards come from both the income to us, helping others gain their incomes (coz thats the only way you can succeed, helping others succeed) and watching both ourselves and our new friends grow pesonally.

I'd suggest give it a look and then decide with all the facts because when it comes down to it, the advice you get from people who think they know about OT but do not actually build the business themselves is worth about as much as you paid for it.

Afterall, who would you go to for financial advice? a financial advice expert, (ie someone with experience in the field), or your down and out loser mate at the pub with no investments himself?

Subject: OT
Name: putra
Time/Date: 04:53:15 4/12/106

for a second opinion pls log to;


Subject: omegatrend
Name: Rob
Time/Date: 02:48:10 5/17/104

u know, i have been doing some research with an eye to joining OT, and i have heard alot of bad an a lot of good. The bad was expected, as most people have negative stigma with respect to MLM's, usually well warranted. However, what has hooked me with OT, is that you DON'T have to buy anything. Doing so will benefit you, but the fact is that there is no compulsion. On top of that, the major factor is receiving money for doing things that you have to do everyday to survive ie pay the mortgage, pay credit card bills, buy food, bank transactions, insurance etc. This money has to be spent anyway. How can a system that gives you some of that money back be a con!!

Subject: "Omegatrend the fantastic Business"
Name: Timon Weller
Time/Date: 04:43:45 6/20/104

The main thing i need to say to everyone here in this forum is, Have a look at the program for yourself first, before you pass any judgement. I have been involved with omegatrend for 6 months now and Im happy to give you all the info you need. Omegatrend is a business that we are all doing whether we are in the business or not. If you pay your phone bill you are doing O.T ,if you have a mortgage you are doing O.T ,if you are paying insurance you are doing O.T ,if you are using a credit card, you are in the business...
Etc ,etc. The only difference is that you are making these companies rich if you are not part of O.T.
See the thing is OT is a benefit program on things you are already doing.
I urge everyone here to not listen to the negative comments people make.As the old saying goes -
"Winners are not quiters and Losers quit straight away"
I have so much belief in this company, I believe i can make anyone rich or wealthy.
Guaranteed...In fact i believe that people will leave school one day soon and O.T will be an option of a carreer path. Omegatrend is the business of the FUTURE.
All those people who are thinking of looking at Omegatrend, and don't have a member to connect to, I am available To organise for you to see the program or if you live in Brisbane i can take you to the
top personally. Just have a look at the program then decide for yourself.
Send me an email to

Timon Weller

Name: julia masterton
Time/Date: 16:57:00 1/12/105

If you dont have a dream you won't see it.
Albert Einstein would say it depends where you're standing as to how you see it.
I can't understand why Loren left the best business in the world and why he would use the Yager system of books tapes seminars and functions and counselling with experienced upline and the 8 step plan if he wanted to beat Amway.
Every one knows Omegatrend and Amway product and distribution flows make money but that's not the point.

If you've got an original idea call me.

Signed: I've heard all the original ideas so only call me if you're a dreamer.

Subject: truly an original idea
Name: Siti Hawa
Time/Date: 02:08:30 2/04/108

My name is Siti. Read what you wrote. Liked it.
Heres an original idea.Its the greatest idea actually. My family and friends have benefitted from it. Hope it will benefit you too.Please dont hesitate to e mail me should u need more info or interested to join this world record breaking company.
Thank you for your time.
Please visit www.agelworldteam.com

Regards and have a great great day


Subject: this is where people grow AND get money
Name: topeq
Time/Date: 14:47:19 7/04/104

hi all of ya reading this site..
brief info about me..I'm malaysian..An OT member...trust me or not..I'm 19 years old this year..I'd join this biz since last yera(2003) just as I reaach legal age to join-18 years old..
I believe..people have various perspective toward OT...but I think...OT provide millions possitive...
look at me...young people...usually..what are youngsters like me do???go clubbing.. enjoy..finishing their parents money...isn't it??
or maybe good boy...go to school or college or university...finishing their study...wishing they will get good grade than attain good job...but...after get good grade..they start become slave to their work..isn't it??
so...the different here..OT young people had grown their horizon about real future...no job guarantee...no job security...
they still studying finishing the study..but doing this biz as well.. they get money...if they don't get job...they still have money...and they never waste their time with something lousy...
OT changed lot of people...
imagine 20 years old student...earn massively about RM6000 permonth...(in malaysia,average income is RM2000)...
isn't that good.there are about 5 20y.o guy in malaysia achieved that...
so what???
mark-an australian...was a bob-cat driver...no good grade...last half year...announced as 5th richest people in australia-after 12 years in OT...so what??

Subject: Omegatrend bankrupt with $4 m debt!
Name: Topeqa
Time/Date: 01:35:42 5/09/106

Hi Topeq ... what is your comment on OT going bust?

$4m debts for direct seller

THE Omegatrend direct selling group has gone into administration with estimated debts of $4 million.

Omegatrend began in Perth in 1990.

The company built a substantial network of distributors in the Hunter Valley after co-founder Loren Watts and wife Sandra moved to the area.

Partners from the Perth office of insolvency specialist PPB were appointed administrators to three Omegatrend companies last Tuesday and PPB partner Cliff Rocke said they were still going through the company books.

Mr Rocke said it appeared Omegatrend owed unsecured creditors about $2 million and secured creditor NAB $1.3 million.

Wages and entitlements owed to about 70 staff were likely to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mr Rocke said there were "tens of thousands" of Omegatrend members in Australia and internationally who appeared to be owed a month's worth of "cashbacks" and "bonus points" from their selling activities.

He had not put a value on the amounts but as the recipients were members rather than creditors, they would not be paid until all creditors' debts were settled.

Mr Watts, 46, told The Herald he was grateful the voluntary administration had allowed "a 28-day breather for companies" to get their affairs in order.

He said Omegatrend had called in the administrators "early" rather than risk insolvent trading.

He was hopeful that a deed of company arrangement could be put to creditors to allow Omegatrend to trade out of its difficulties.

Mr Rocke said Omegatrend was 70 per cent owned by Mr Watts through a company called Omegatrend International.

One of the founders, John Kenyon, holds the rest of Omegatrend International.

Mr Rocke said an early examination disclosed two likely causes of the company's problems.

One was a rapid "global expansion" in the past year.

The other was the buoyant economy, which had eaten into sales because people were less likely to turn to direct selling to bolster their incomes when plenty of other work was around.

Mr Rocke said Mr Watts had pledged to sell what assets were necessary to finance a deed of company arrangement to put Omegatrend back on a healthy footing.

Omegatrend has been featured in several press examinations of the direct selling industry and Mr Watts has been involved in several headline-making property deals.

One involves a large residential block at Dora Creek, which Lake Macquarie City Council said on Friday was the subject of a Land and Environment Court case.

Council development assessment and compliance manager Peter Hodge said the council was negotiating with Mr Watts over earthworks, a dam and a canal linking it to the lake, which were alleged to be unauthorised.

Mr Hodge said Mr Watts lodged plans during the case for a $3.5 million house on the block.

He said council officers had investigated another Watts property at Martinsville.

Subject: Omegatrend is not a credible business solution
Name: matthew
Time/Date: 19:59:14 6/28/106

For more information regarding the dangers of Omegatrend as a business, please visit:


Subject: read the letter
Name: bob
Time/Date: 00:57:34 8/05/106


I have read your letter with much interest, you stated that when you joined that company you were ignorant and believed what you were told, it seems after your fouur year stint of personal development your ignorance remains.
I would be interested to hear if you have gone on to be successful at anything, as success comes from within, a company that promotes personal development only shines a light on where you need to grow to be successful, if you choose not to work on yourself that is a choice made by you, don't blame your failures on circumstance and others.

Subject: OT and other MLM's
Name: Timbo
Time/Date: 12:19:08 7/09/104

Hey there.
My name is Tim and my wife and I have been involved in a couple of MLM's over the last 10 years. I want to tell you all 2 things up front:
1. We were not successful at it.
2. The blame for this falls squarely on our own shoulders.
People can bitch and moan all they like about buying products etc but as someone pointed out in this forum you buy products anyway. Are the products overpriced? Sometimes they are, yes. Are they of better quality than you can buy at the supermarket? I believe they are normally (there may be the ocasional exception).
Here's where I believe people begin to fall short with any MLM. They don't do their due dilligence. They get dragged along to some meeting that is usually fairly secretive (this depends on the organisation you're checking out obviously)and they see some slick presentation about how they can retire with the big house, cars, boat, holidays and spare time they always wanted and the best bit is they can do it in a few short years.
The thing is, people do it. The process of logic dictates that if people are doing it then it works. It's not hard to understand. So Bill and Mary Smith dare to dream again and they sign some form and pay some money even though they don't fully understand what's going on. This is the first problem. This is the hallmark of a scam. Pay money and get nothing back but a promise and so doubts will begin to creep in (in sales they call this "buyer's remorse"). From that point on it's a downward spiral which is compounded by Frank Jones next door who finds out what Bill and Mary have done in the course of conversation and starts to give his "sagely advice" the the newly fired up couple. "Now, mate. Come on. Let me tell you a thing or two about these 'pyramid scams'. Doubts are compounded etc, etc.
Now as those doubts grow Bill and Mary have trouble talking to their friends about the business because they don't want to get their mates involved in something that isn't exactly "above board."
You see, I know how this works because this is how it worked for me and it's how it works for the 95% of people who get into MLM and don't acheive what they set out to do. This is where due dilligence comes into it. Look into the company. Find out how at least the basics work. Take a couple of weeks to do this because it could save you a lot of hardship in the future. More than that it could make you more money than you can possibly imagine. You see by doing due dilligence you begin to find out things about the company. You may find out that Omegatrend is the perfect business for you (and believe me each company does have it's very own "personality"). Or you may find that Amway suits your personality better, or Neways or Herbalife or any number of business programs out there. The money you make may well be offset against the sacrifices you have to make in regards to how you feel about what you're doing. Remember, you have to look at your face in the mirror everyday so find a company that fits with your personality. You are joining a business so make a business decision. THis is a decision that should be made with your head and not your heart. It's okay to have the dreams and goals (in fact, it's more than okay, it's essential) but don't jump into the first business that comes along just because you can see that it may get you there. Any one of these businesses can get you there but when you feel good about it it will get you there a lot quicker.
Sorry for ranting so long but this is something that has just dawned on me recently and I honestly believe that it could help people to avoid the mistakes that are commonly made in this great business.
Thanks for your time and have a great day.

Subject: My thoughts on OmegaTrend
Name: Kim
Time/Date: 23:23:30 8/06/104

hi let me just start on saying that, like it or not get rich quick schemes are always going to be out there where ever you are, some are worthwild some are not. The decision is in your hands no one else.

I am a 19 year old student in melbourne and on friday night my friend introduce me into OT with a few of his uplinks and they gave me a presentation about OT (benefits, costs etc) and let me just tell you why in my opinon that this will be so appealing to so many other people. I will generally say that OT is aim at 3 groups (this is a broad theory) first of all middle aged and older people these are the people that have worked in their industry for many many years and are thinking of retirement so OT not only offers them that retirement by letting them earn a second income but by also letting them have free time now. (eg. if they earn enough money through OT they might work less).
The second group OT affects are the people in their 30's thru to 40's, these are the people that are working in their industry for a few years but are feeling that they lack something (Eg. more money, job satisfaction, owing their own business etc.) so OT offers them a chance to realise their dream and to be happy (Eg. income earned through OT might pay for that business venture, on that much longed for holiday) and lastly but in my opinon the most important and affected group the students and 20's y.o (young adults). imagine if you could retire by the time you are in your late 20's? AMAZING! drive the bmw or merc, owe a home that your parents worked most of their life to pay and enjoy the next 50 years of your life doing whatever you want. now tell me which teenager that just enrolled in uni or is currently studying and is struggling with bills, HEC fees, etc is going to say NO to OT? but as in many cases this is too good to be true and being a business student there is no such thing as a free meal. Then i remember they saying in that friday night presentation that they are not selling anything new, they are just offering something better then what you have/using so in other words they are altering people's consuming patterns to the companies that have alliances with OT. This is the conclusion i have come to and why OT is so keen in attracting younger people. If we join up with OT now and adopt these new spending pattern that benefit OT then these patterns are going to stay with us for the rest of our lives (another 50 - 60 years of on going income for OT) and not only that we as parents will pass these spending patterns on to our kids and so forth. To put it in perspective imagine 100,000 students like me join up around the world and multiply that by 50 years and then multiply that by their children and their childrens. OT will not only have a VERY long term income but they will become a VERY powerful selling and marketing agency. Now comes down to this i have decided to go to the monday night meeting at st kilda (if anyone is going there to please come and say hi) and make up my mind after that semimar if i am going to join up or not (which student is going to say no to have fun and make lots of money?) Its going to be us (younger market) consuming in the future.

Subject: Omegatrend & MLM in general.
Name: scotty
Time/Date: 20:09:18 2/23/105


The thought that imaging 'x' nuumber of p[eopel signing up today and multiply that by 'y' years is mathematically possible, however the reality is that Multi Level Marketing "MLM" has been around for just over 50 years and that level of multiplication dosen't happen as you members eventually get too old or die. Take Amway, it's been around forever and nearly everyone knows someone who has been involved of has been involved themselves. And Amway has not taken over the distribution world. Why, I'm not exactly sure, but the reality is that for the most part this style of marketing dosen't really work as well as the mathematics would indcate. Thats not to run the idea down, thge principle is honest, it's just that the business is labour intensive and the products as a general rule can be dearer than comparable products sold in a store with little hassel to purchase.

Subject: We're launching!
Name: Tine from Norway
Time/Date: 08:29:04 12/15/104

I POPPED BY this site in my search for experienced or future network-marketers here in Australia. I come from Norway where I, together with my partner am successful in our company.
We do network-marketing full-time and it allows us to live better than we ever have before. This has required work of course, but it is unbelievable how suddenly it happened for us!

Our company is now launching here in Australia, and we are looking for leaders!

Australia is the 18th country and the 3rd continent we're in. We have en annual revenue of almost $USD 1billion and an annual growth of 49,2%. We are 12 years old and operate in USA, Canada as well as 15 countries in Europe. We're featured in Magazines like "Fortune Magazine"and "INC 500". In Norway we are the largest NM company.

The beauty of our company is that we buy nothing and sell nothing. We only offer a seving on a service people already use: TELEPHONE, INTERNET, ELECTRICITY AND GAS! Everyone needs it, rich or poor! And a saving always comes i handy!

We work together with Telstra, and have the same product and service at a cheaper price. And we don't need to know ANYTHING about Telecom or Energy, we only get the customer ONCE, the job is done, and then we get a percentage of their bill for as long as they use their phone!!!!

Sounds too good to be true?

We launched 1st of November. In 30 days we had over 20 000 customers here in Australia!

We're a household name in 17 countries. We will soon be one here in Australia.


How often do you get to be in the beginning, with a large, international, established company.
Who only deal with SERVICES people NEED every day anyway!

Just thought I'd let you know. Wanna join us?


Sincerely, Tine

Subject: Profit Centre Discussion Forum
Name: Gert Bjerring
Time/Date: 20:23:48 5/01/106

I read your message in the forum. Please let me know what it is all about

Subject: result of omegatrend
Name: Kim
Time/Date: 10:10:24 8/14/104

I must say after a few days thinking and researching, and going to the business convention on saturday night at richmond i decided i would join OT.

I want all people that read this to know that I am very hungry for success and that I WILL BE SUCCEEDING IN OT, i made a choice, the choice was to start a business through OmegaTrend and like any other business i am doing it for personal fulfillment as well as to make a profit. i have goals and these goals can come true in life only if I make it happen, i have got a fantastic team in the melbourne zone and let me tell you something everyone on this team is hungry for success there is no room for beating around the bush, its rather you want it or you dont. I am a 19 year old student doing international business studies so you can imagine what i could put in into my team not only that I GOT SO MUCH TIME to make my business work. if you want to be apart of this dymanic team or want to find out more about OmegaTrend then its just one e-mail away at
cuong.hoang@students.vu.edu.au if at first you dont succeed try again OmegaTrend could give you that second chance in life

Subject: Agree with this?
Name: Jerry
Time/Date: 14:49:00 9/07/104

Today.......... U r an Omegatrend member, or u r not an Omegatrend............


So, it's either u SPEND! And sumthin back in return... Or u spend in supermarket... u oso get sumthin in return...... Plastic Bag and resit...


Subject: Omegatrend Training
Name: Errol Cherry
Time/Date: 06:58:22 1/01/105

I would love to give credit where credit is due. Omegatrend's Books and Tapes has given me such great grounding,life skills and encoragement(at the time bankruptacy)I will always remain greatful to people like (Johono) John and Val Johnson for there encoragement and training.
I am no longer a member of Omegatrend and have no bad feelings towards Omegatrend, Loran or Sandra Watts (know the Watts family personaly),or my sponsor.
My only advise is that the MLM Vehicle that you chose must fit you. I have chosen Mannatech I too am verry successful with this Company I have Replaced My JOB and now travel around the world on a residual income.
What did it for me was making a difference in peoples lives It gave my health back.I was never excited about soap and shampoo etc, now I change peoples Health and their lives one person at a time. What do you think someones attitude is when they have their life back? They shout it night and day.People use the product because it gives Incredible results and NO one has to ring them up to push products!! The order is in!!
The products are Science based and will stand any examination.The Compensation plan is World class (accelerated Leverage).I do not sell Product! I educate! I sugest that everyone must do there own due diligents, No "Me too products". Patents are on this Technolegy,you can't buy this any were else other than Mannatech. www.mannapages.com/cherry Follow your Dream BUT never Bag Networking if you havent worked it. If you are not prepared to WORK get out. Call me for help
regards Errol Cherry

Subject: Other options
Name: Mickyj
Time/Date: 23:06:02 10/14/104

What if you could get something back on all products you buy?

There is a company that pays you to buy products at an supermarket, any petrol station and other selected retialers in over 50 areas.

This is a free system to join.

If you would liek some info please email me at 2ndincome@gmail.com

Subject: i agree
Name: jolin
Time/Date: 23:49:38 10/01/104

i agree u say like tat but some of people do not think like tat.we will always support OT,i'm i rite?

Subject: My Analysis
Name: Jerry
Time/Date: 15:03:48 9/07/104

I can say... Don't care what MLM company u're from... Your company is definately more weakness than Omegatrend. I had offered a group of people before, that i'll pay them RM10 each for every bad things they can say about Omegatrend. Coz...i can't find any.

First of all... The onli way to success in life, is through business. Working for a boss only make your boss rich (your effort), the government rich (income tax), and someday when u get married and buy a house, and paying your mortage, you are making the bank rich (loan interest).

Successful business... 3 types...
First, convention business... WITH SYSTEMS... like Microsoft. Bill Gates is very successful because Microsoft won't go bankrupt even if he's on vacation for one week.
Second, franschise... like McDonald. Can anyone tell me that he/she don't know what is McDonald and never been to a McDonald before? And have anyone see waiter taking order from your table in McDonald?
Third, and the Ultimate Franschising... Multi-level Marketing, and now on the top... Omegatrend! You work hard in the beginning, and you won't have to work in the future. Moreover it's not like other Direct Sales company, because they got their own distribution company.

Lauren and Sandra were Diamond in AmWay. But they're smarter because they know how to create something like AmWay called Omegatrend, by realizing and correcting the mistakes of every MLM will do.

I became Executive in 3 months. Actually 2 months, but i had to wait. By just doing PART-TIME! It's so simple that 9 out of 10 will accept this MLM. The other 1 was either ill with MLM-phobia or from another jealous direct selling company.

What can be more simple than... CHANGING YOU SHOPPING BRAND?
You join Omegatrend or not, u still have to use shampoo or facial wash (except you use sandpaper)

Subject: Omegatrend is another "failed" copycat
Name: Krazyfrog
Time/Date: 01:32:39 5/09/106

Promises to keep ;)

OT has yet again burnt some innocent, ambitious & hardworking people who really want to improve their lives.

Think, people! don't get sucked into all the empty promises. Manny, many companies say they're "just like Amway.. or BETTER/FASTER than Amway, NEWER than Amway" ...

The business fundamentals of OT is not strong and all wrong!

$4m debts for direct seller

THE Omegatrend direct selling group has gone into administration with estimated debts of $4 million.

Omegatrend began in Perth in 1990.

The company built a substantial network of distributors in the Hunter Valley after co-founder Loren Watts and wife Sandra moved to the area.

Partners from the Perth office of insolvency specialist PPB were appointed administrators to three Omegatrend companies last Tuesday and PPB partner Cliff Rocke said they were still going through the company books.

Mr Rocke said it appeared Omegatrend owed unsecured creditors about $2 million and secured creditor NAB $1.3 million.

Wages and entitlements owed to about 70 staff were likely to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mr Rocke said there were "tens of thousands" of Omegatrend members in Australia and internationally who appeared to be owed a month's worth of "cashbacks" and "bonus points" from their selling activities.

He had not put a value on the amounts but as the recipients were members rather than creditors, they would not be paid until all creditors' debts were settled.

Mr Watts, 46, told The Herald he was grateful the voluntary administration had allowed "a 28-day breather for companies" to get their affairs in order.

He said Omegatrend had called in the administrators "early" rather than risk insolvent trading.

He was hopeful that a deed of company arrangement could be put to creditors to allow Omegatrend to trade out of its difficulties.

Mr Rocke said Omegatrend was 70 per cent owned by Mr Watts through a company called Omegatrend International.

One of the founders, John Kenyon, holds the rest of Omegatrend International.

Mr Rocke said an early examination disclosed two likely causes of the company's problems.

One was a rapid "global expansion" in the past year.

The other was the buoyant economy, which had eaten into sales because people were less likely to turn to direct selling to bolster their incomes when plenty of other work was around.

Mr Rocke said Mr Watts had pledged to sell what assets were necessary to finance a deed of company arrangement to put Omegatrend back on a healthy footing.

Omegatrend has been featured in several press examinations of the direct selling industry and Mr Watts has been involved in several headline-making property deals.

One involves a large residential block at Dora Creek, which Lake Macquarie City Council said on Friday was the subject of a Land and Environment Court case.

Council development assessment and compliance manager Peter Hodge said the council was negotiating with Mr Watts over earthworks, a dam and a canal linking it to the lake, which were alleged to be unauthorised.

Mr Hodge said Mr Watts lodged plans during the case for a $3.5 million house on the block.

He said council officers had investigated another Watts property at Martinsville.

Subject: mlm cyclone
Name: lifescruizy
Time/Date: 05:23:34 5/23/106

I hope you enjoy your 85 ft launch and properties all over Australia Lauren youve got what you deserved. You see Im one of the suckers who sat in the crowd of BELEIVERS and listened to your ego infactuated stories while watching my familys bank balance dramatically reduce with every passing BP Seminar and convention.
You done pretty good mate you and your core ex amway cronies.
You see while we were being told DONT LOOK AROUND certain people were setting up another company based on The Global Village Directory called No More Lamingtons no wonder you got rid of the idea you obviously knew the ship was sinking (to bad it wasnt 85 foot long)
Apart from the good stuff we did encounter in our 5 year stint I have a bad taste and feel used by this company

Subject: The Subject
Name: Rusty
Time/Date: 22:35:35 11/18/104

The whole lot of em SUXORS!

Subject: MLM
Name: Darrin
Time/Date: 01:08:50 3/28/105

They do all sux in their own way but then so much can be taken from any of them and applied to everyday life. But that's all too philosophical and that is what many if not all thrive on. What if, can you afford not to and who really wouldn't do it if they really understood.

The truth is any real money made in any of the long established businesses has been made. And unfortunately not necessarily via the "System" but rather working the people in the system.

Ask any body that has been around in the MLM industry for a while how the big guys make their money. And if the they think you can handle the truth they will tell you it is from working the system of books, tapes, meetings etc. Yes money is made from the products but is that the only source of their income? Bo Britts, Amway Diamond says no way no sir lol.

Ever wonder why people get scammed with New Opportunities? It is because in their hearts (and I'm sure you know this too) that it is the first people in that make the real money.

Emotion carries many of these long established MLM companies and emotion alone. If you don't think so then look around at the people you know in the "Business'. How emotional are they or how much they play on your emotions?

The simple fact is if money can be made then make, it don't chase it. If they have a system use it, don't become it. If you like the product then promote it, don't live it. But don't get emotional, that is when you become a clone, a cult member, and addict and many other descriptions that have been used to describe an MLMer.

If you want it bad enough there is always someone out there ready to exploit you. And many times they started just like you and don't know how to get off the emotional roller coaster.

My 2 cents worth.

Subject: My Comment
Name: Omegafan
Time/Date: 10:12:17 5/16/105

Omegatrend is not a con.
Many people have succeeded in this business. I am a member and have been for 2 years. We are going to expand our business in USA coming JULY 1st 2005.
I cant wait and hope that anyone who reads this, really thinks seriously about the positive comments in here. Having a negative attitude will not get you anywhere in business.

Subject: OmegatrendNZ
Name: Regan
Time/Date: 07:57:05 5/20/105

I was a damn sceptic..always had been until about 8 months ago I had lunch with a close friend; well I nearly choked when he started talking about 'this business' he had joined. I thought...oh no not bloody Amway. It sounded like it...smelt like it...even tasted like it until he told me the actual name of the company. He then invited me to a presentation...my wife and I attended. We've been to many of these mlm things before...never, ever been interested in joining, simply because of the 'pyramid' concept. To cut a long story short, we were hooked on this plan...I cant explain what it was but it definitely had something to do with....GETTING PAID FOR PAYING OUR BILLS !!...now where on earth can you get a deal like that?..plain and simple. We are not making big bucks, but we are making money that we never had before...the missus no longer has to work...one day soon I will be able to take things easy as well....thats for sure

Subject: Help please
Name: Jess
Time/Date: 21:22:38 1/15/106

Hi Regan,

It's nice to hear honest comments such as yours. My partner and I have been looking to join over the last few weeks, and in my research I have found the comments to be so mixed and varied. The problem for me is that I don't know if this is suited to me, and especially since reading so many negative comments I am starting to question whether this is as good as it sounds. From what I have read it seems fairly straight forward, but other pieces of info suggest that money is mainly made through the sale of products rather than general living expenses and referral of people as other sources suggest. Can you tell I'm confused? Anyway, is there anyone out there who can give me a personal idea of what we can expect from joining i.e. how much work is involved (when I say this I don't mean I'm slack and expect everything to fall into my lap, but rather am I going to burn myself out trying to make a good salary though ot?), how the points system work, what sort of money REALISTICALLY is made, etc?

I would also like to add that it is much better hearing comments backed up by examples not just flat out praise or abuse with no real evidence. It's a lot more helpful if you could do this.

I hope you all have a great day and I really appreciate any help or comments people are willing to give.


Subject: Why Omegatrend? Why Not!
Name: Ridha
Time/Date: 15:47:52 3/17/106

Hi.. just sharing a few wisdom with all readers out there.

1. Why Omegatrend.. its simple. Why not? They have already established for 16 years and they have a good online systems to monitor. They have a very superb corporate support. And they have a visionary founder/leader

2. The mission statement of the company is very2 special: Omegatrend is a business that provides an opportunity for people to enhance their life so that they might improve their world.

3. How does it work? In Omegatrend; they change everyday household expenditure into income and rewards.

For example; if u have your own supermarket, where will u buy your daily household products? At your supermarket or at His? Yours right.. In Omegatrend they teaches you to be a smarter consumer.

When u join Omegatrend its like you have your own supermarket where it is called Sanden Brooks.. it has around 500 product, which have 14 days money back guarantee and directly delevered to front door.

Besides the product, Omegatrend had gone beyound where they allie with big companies to offer services.. again, remember, omegatrend is about being a better consumer.

From these usage, members will earn reward point and global point. Reward point = realreward/bonuslink/other reward program company. and global points will give u income starting from $0 to $no limits..

4. In Omegatrend they generate money by eliminating few elements in the distribution chains by distributing direct to consumer and savings from the elimination agent, wholeseller and retailer will be distributed back to members interms of income and vouchers (gift).

5. Omegatrend generally have 6 steps of achievers / levels: 1. foundation club 100, 2. foundation club 500, 3. executive clube 1500, 4. premier club, 5. ambessadore club and 6. presidential club

6. Omegatrend gives u moneyback guarantee to try the business. It sure will give u the opportunity to try it out first with out risking your money.

7. It have functions to help u to enlarge your business.

8. It have books and tapes for education in motivations, leadership skills, human relation skills and etc. Please remember that billionaires do read books and listen to tapes..

9. Omegatrends also offers u more than just money. They offer u 7 times a year free vacation (when u reach executive premiers (one step above premiers)and above).. they offer u larger networks of friends and family.. they offer u freedom.. they offer u wisdom.. and the most important thing they offer u hope of making a life.. not just making a living!!

10. And finally... why not!!.. since u r not doing this alone!..

My opinion.. its not too late for u to try out since they have money back guarantee to try out the biz. Just fill up the form.. follow the system obidiently and i'm sure u will see results. I do really hope to see u in Sydney May 2006 at LUNA PARK from 19th to 22. I'll be there with my Wife My son and My Mom. Please maku your decision while u r try the business.

Thank You for Your Time reading.. need more wisdom u can just log to my blog. mridhamm.blogspot.com

Best Regards,





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